Lawyer Amedeo Melchionda


He started his experience as a Lawyer in Sandulli Law Firm, and he is now coordinator of the team of professionals who deal with corporate crisis law and insolvency.

During his previous professional experience, gained with Professor Michele Sandulli, he participated in the management of the most relevant bankruptcy procedures of recent years in central-southern Italy.

Curator of pending bankruptcy proceedings before the Courts of Naples and Nola, he also performed the position of Judicial Commissioner of Concordat Procedures. He regularly assists bankruptcy procedures, both in court and out of court.


2000: Law Degree with honors from the University of Naples “Federico II”.

Professional Admissions / Qualifications

2004: Admitted to the BAR of Naples .

Areas of Activity

Corporate crisis and insolvency law, company law, banking law and contract law.


Fluenty in English, written and spoken